I’m going to keep this a bit brief, it’s more a table of data and some explanation, than a full blown article. All too often,
Author: Robert Hanson
Christmas Jammies
Who doesn’t like to see a group of kids in matching Christmas Pajamas? I blame my wife for my kids being so dang good looking.
A Dose of Reality on our Sarri Start
It feels pretty good so far, this start to the season. We had quite a long stretch of going unbeaten, we’ve toppled Manchester City, and
Edens Praise and Morata’s Malaise
I like to look over random bits of data from time to time, just to find interesting things. And to me this is interesting. So
How are the Chelsea forwards really doing?
There’s constant chatter about how poorly the forwards for Chelsea are doing these days. Given Alvaro Morata’s challenges last year, and his immense comfort level
Let’s get to it, shall we?
Might as well start this off with something I put together last night, as I was perusing some metrics, and discussing the promises and perils